French markets have been a regular feature of small and large cities all across Europe. And, with the help of French market planners Bensidoun, French markets are now becoming more popular in North America. This weekend, I was fortunate enough to attend one of these North American French Markets at Cantigny in Wheaton, IL.
Cantigny French markets may look like any other open-air markets in the US, but they actually include much more than a typical weekend or Sunday morning farmer’s market. Cantigy’s French Market included most features of a classic French Market including…
Rows of vendors…
Entertainment in the form of live music, a juggler, and a mime…
Delicious French pastries…
French pink lemonade…
And, of course, what French market would be complete without a 24-foot Eiffel Tower?
Experiencing all that the French market had to offer made me long for France even more. Sadly, this is as close I will be to any Eiffel Tower for quite some time. Ahh, to be in France, le sigh….
I am beyond jealous. Why, oh why can’t there be one of these in Atlanta?!