My husband and I have often discussed what it would be like to live in Europe – for a month, a year, or any length of time. If we do decide to make this temporary move, our next decision would be to decide where to live. There are so many wonderful countries and cities in Europe – Prague, Vienna, Paris, Zurich, oh so many! I wonder if we could even agree on where to move.
So, if I had to choose today, where would I move? That really is a tough question. For years, I have thought of myself as a French/British woman at heart. Maybe I could split my time between Paris and London? 😉 In thinking about this dilemma, I came across a survey that asked, What European City Should You Live In? Exactly what I was looking for! I promptly took the quiz, without hesitation and was extremely surprised by the results. Take a look below…
What European City Should You Live In?
*Answers by Bistro Chic are in bold
1) What kind of vibe does your perfect city have?
- Cosmopolitan yet quaint – and a little snobby
- Stylish and sexy
- Laid back and relaxed
- Home-y, like a big small town
- Busy and diverse
- Intellectual and philosophical
2) You’d like to live in Europe for the:
- Parties and street life
- European way of life
- Fashion
- Beer
- New experiences
- Culture
3) From what you’ve heard, people tend to think you’re:
- Adventurous
- Introverted
- Friendly
- Fun
- Eclectic
- Elegant
4) If you were to exercise your artistic talents, you would most likely:
- Paint
- Make a movie
- Design a killer outfit
- Write a great novel
- Act
- Dabble in many types of art
5) Let’s say you couldn’t live in Europe, which US city would you live in instead?
- New York
- Seattle
- Chicago
- San Francisco
- Boston
- Miami
6) If you were going to indulge in a decadent dessert, what would you choose?
- Lemon curd
- Pancakes
- Chocolate mousse
- Tiramisu
- Flan
- Chocolate whiskey cake
And so my fellow BC readers, my results showed that the perfect city for me was, in fact, DUBLIN! Yes, the home of Trinity College, Butlers Chocolate, the River Liffey, and Guinness. Not what I expected, but let’s dissect their reasoning…
You Belong in Dublin
Friendly and down to earth (yes, I like to think I am), you want to enjoy Europe without snobbery or pretensions (I don’t mind a little of this, if it’s called for). You’re the perfect person to go wild on a pub crawl (I don’t know about “wild” but I’ve done a few pub crawls in my lifetime)…or enjoy a quiet bike ride through the old part of town (yes, definitely me!)
I’ve been to Dublin, all over Ireland actually, and loved it. Although I don’t plan to let a quiz tell me where to live, I’ll definitely give Dublin a fair chance if I decide to move.
Ever wonder what European best fits your personality? Take the quiz and find out!
Ciao Sláinte
I got Dublin too…of course only two of my answers were different from yours!
I got Milan.. nice city i love it …thanks for the quiz!
I belong in Paris, I KNEW IT, lol…