Nothing says ‘coffee’, like six the morning.
Lorelei Gilmore, Gilmore Girls
Like Paris, coffee is always a good idea.
Whether I’m headed on a 10-day road trip or quick weekend getaway, one of the first things I consider is where I will get my coffee in the morning. Sure, these days, there’s a Starbucks around every corner – which is very convenient and reliable. But, more often than not, I’m not in the mood to stand in a long line of people waiting to get their coffee. I also tend to gravitate toward coffee that’s a little less produced and more unique. Although I do frequent larger chains like Starbucks on occasion, there’s something about a classic, Friends-like coffee establishment that makes me nostalgic for my college years and urges me slow down and linger for hours.
That’s why, when planning a trip, I always research fun, unique coffee shops near where I’m staying. Many, many years ago while in Boulder for the first time, I stopped at a charming coffee shop and enjoyed an amazing tasting and beautifully presented latte. From there, I was hooked on finding these local favorites. And, in most cases since then, they have not disappointed.
So, if you’re headed out for your own summer adventure across the U.S. and you love coffee (or like me, espresso), take a peek at this list of the best coffee shops in each state. Heading across the pond instead? Be sure to add one of these fab, coffee-loving cities to your itinerary.
Ciao and enjoy!