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When it comes to clothes, American women tend to think that more is better, or that more expensive is better. But that is not the case with a French woman. For her, less is more, and even inexpensive items can be, in her view, priceless. For instance, an American woman may have a closet stuffed full of clothes, many of which are rarely warn because they are out of fashion, unflattering, or just don’t fit properly. Even with an abundance of clothes, somehow, these same women still insist that they don’t have a thing to wear.
In a striking contrast, a French woman would fill – not overfill – her modest closet, with only her favorite pieces. Those limited pieces are, above all, classic and flatter her figure from top to bottom. They also are versatile enough for her to mix and match and are high enough quality for her to wear over and over without looking warn or dated. By doing this, she has the rare ability to deceive everyone, especially American women, into thinking that she has an extensive wardrobe at her disposal, when really she could pack her whole wardrobe into a suitcase.
So the next time you are contemplating whether or not to buy your 3rd navy sweater – stop and ask yourself – what would a French woman do?
This post makes me think about the thousands of American women who have at least 10 pairs of black slacks in their closets. If they had taken the money spent on just 5 pair and purchased a top quality pair, they would be much happier. I’m trying to incorporate this mentality as I shop for a few pieces to fill out my fall/winter wardrobe.
I recently blogged about the whole concept of quality versus quantity and how Americans have abandoned quality for quantity.
Hi Cherie! Thank you so much for your insight. I admit, I used to be one of those women – but I have changed my shopping habits quite a bit over the last few years. I’m looking forward to reading your post about quality v. quantity 🙂