What Do French Women Know That We Don’t?

Photo Courtesy of debraollivier.com
For decades, American women have wondered how French women can stay thin, sexy, and so incredibly chic with unbelievable ease. Now, a tell-all book by author Debra Olivier reveals these French secrets in one tasty read!
According to Olivier, it’s not how French women dress, what they eat, or what lipstick they use that makes them femmes fatales – Psst …. it’s all about what French women know (and what American women don’t!) that gives them their most elusive je ne sais quoi – that extra something that sets them apart from all other women around the world.
Keeping this one key notion in mind, Ollivier appropriately titled the next book in her French series, What French Women Know. The book, already available online and on the shelves, gives us a fresh look into the mystique of a French woman. And, more importantly, a look at how French women navigate through life, particularly in the areas of love, sex, and other matters of the heart.
On her Web site, Olivier explains that:
It’s not the surface glam that gives French women their allure. It’s this: French women don’t give a damn. They don’t care about being liked or being like everyone else. They don’t expect men to understand them or like things to fit into a neat, tidy box. They reject notions of packaged beauty and enjoy breaking the rules…and they prefer having a life to making a living.
This, she proclaims, is the complete opposite of how American women view love, sex, and life.
Just like her book, Entre Nous: A Woman’s Guide to Finding Her Inner French Girl, (one of my favorite French books!), Ollivier will no doubt pepper What French Women Know with super sexy humor among her delicious French facts and secrets, making is this an irresistible addition to any American woman’s personal library.
I certainly enjoyed much about Debra Ollivier’s book.
But I ask you, as a blogger, how you would feel if an author lifted an entire passage from your blog and published it in her book without giving you due credit? I’m sure you weren’t aware of this, so here is the scoop
Thanks for a great blog. I enjoy reading it!
Thank you for introducing me to the book ‘Entre Nous’. I just bought it and I look forward to delving into my inner ‘francais fille’!
Hello Alison – So glad you like the book – it’s very fun to read!