If you’re ever in need of some quick inspiration or just something to make you smile, check out Pinterest, a virtual pinboard where people “pin up” amazing photos of any from gourmet food, fashion, pets, and kids. You can search for just about anything too – and when you do, expect to see a fantastic array of photos and graphics that you can “repin”, ie. show your support/liking for.
I could seriously spend ALL day on this site! Check out what I’m searching for today…..
Quite an assortment of French folly, wouldn’t you agree? What are you searching for today?
I LOVE Pinterest. I usually just don’t browse randomly because some users feel necessary to drop the F bomb whenever they like and I have a low tolerance for bad language. I really like searching for stuff like you do though! That’s how I found this recipe for macarons (http://www.saucysprinkles.com/2011/05/macarons-demystified.html).
Best. Thing. Ever!!
Bonjour Becca! That macaron recipe DOES look easy. I’ve been wanting to try my hand at making them for so long, just have to find a bit of Saucy’s courage š