Cappuccinos and lattes have long been a favorite drink in my household. And thanks to our multiple Nespresso machines, we can readily make just about any espresso drink anytime during the day. And believe me, there are a LOT of espresso drinks out there – all with fancy sounding names and sometimes even fancier ingredients.
But did you ever stop to wonder – what’s the difference between all of these espresso drinks anyway? Well, in honor of National Cappuccino Day (November 8), here’s a snapshot of the various types of hot espresso beverages and what’s included in each (a la Nestle/Nescafe):

Espresso – Often served as shots, straight espresso is a highly concentrated form of coffee, made from water being pushed through tightly packed coffee grounds at a very high pressure.
Doppio – A double shot of espresso.
Espresso con Panna – A shot or double shot of espresso topped with whipped cream.
Affogato – A shot of espresso poured over ice cream or gelato.
Cappuccino – A classic cappuccino has a balanced ratio of espresso, milk and foam. To achieve this classic style, start with a shot of espresso, add a little steamed milk and top it off with a thicker milk foam.
Macchiato – Slightly different than a cappuccino, a macchiato has a higher ratio of coffee to milk, starting with a steamed milk base, followed by two shots of espresso and then a thin layer of milk foam on top.
Latte – Similar to a cappuccino, a latte uses one or two shots of espresso and steamed milk/milk alternative. The difference between the two is that the brewed espresso is poured into the steamed milk rather than sitting on top, giving it a thinner and more delicate layer of foam.
Mocha – A mocha is essentially a latte with chocolate added.
Flat White – A flat white starts with a single or double shot of espresso followed by micro-foamed steamed milk poured over, equating to a smaller ratio of espresso to milk.
Cortado – Made with equal parts espresso and steamed milk, cortado literally translating to “cut”, representing the coffee/espresso being cut with milk.
A Lorelai Gilmore – Coffee, with a shot of cynicism.
Alright, it’s coffee time!